Saturday, October 11, 2025
Hospitality Tent Sponsorship
Treat your clients, employees and friends to a Day at the Races or use your tent to promote your company’s products and services. Our corporate hospitality tents offer the ideal venue to host a private party and you’ll be offering your guests all the entertainment and fun the Races offer. Choose from the options below or contact us with your request.
Gold Hospitality Tent
This package includes your own 20 X 30 tent with tables and chairs, 50 general admission tickets, 8 V.I.P. parking passes, tent-side parking for one host vehicle and one catering vehicle, 15 official programs, a full page ad in the Official Program, your logo posted on the Judge’s Stand and sponsor listing on the website.
Silver Hospitality Tent
This package includes your own 20 x 20 tent with tables and chairs, 30 general admission tickets, 6 V.I.P. parking passes, tent-side parking for one host vehicle and one catering vehicle, 10 official programs, a half page ad in the Official Program, your logo posted on the Judge’s Stand and sponsor listing on the website.
Host a Silver Hospitality Tent
Other Sponsorships and Customizing
Available upon request. Call or email Janice Barrett at 585-261-3463 /

For more information contact:
Sponsorship Chair
Janice Barrett
c: (585) 261-3463
What are you waiting for?