Saturday, October 11, 2025
Directions and Parking
The Genesee Valley Hunt Races are located at 3320 Nations Road, off of County Route 39, just north of the Village of Geneseo.
If you’re using GPS or Google Maps, enter “3320 Nations Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454”, or “Intersection of Nations Rd. and Roots Tavern Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454”
Directions from Rochester and points north: Take I-390 to Exit 9; turn left on Route 15, then right on Triphammer Rd. all the way to the end; then turn left on Rt. 39 and follow directions below to your parking area.
Directions from the south: Take I-390 to Exit 8; turn left onto Rt. 20A to Geneseo; turn right onto Rt. 39 through village, then follow the directions below to your parking area.
Parking areas:
General Parking
Turn off of Route 39 onto Roots Tavern Road or Nations Rd. to get to the General Parking areas.
VIP Parking
Turn onto Nations Rd. and proceed to General Parking Gate 1B. You will be directed from there to a special VIP area.
Reserved parking pass holders with Gate 4 (red) mirror tags
Turn onto Nations Road to Gate 4.
Reserved parking pass holders with Gate 5 (green) or Gate 6 (blue) mirror tags
Turn onto Huston Road. go to the end, then then turn left onto Nations Rd.
Handicapped Parking
Handicapped parking is available at Gate 4 for vehicles with proper credentials. All occupants of the vehicle are required to have a general admission ticket. General admission tickets are available for purchase at Gate 4 or advance sale online.
GVH Races

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